Wednesday, November 21, 2012

B is for....

Brian . . . and Banana . . . and Birthday Boy!

Yep, today is my husband's birthday! And of course what kind of cake decorator wife would I be if I didn't make a treat for him to bring to work on his big day? I asked him last weekend if he wanted cupcakes or cake pops. He said, since I had made cupcakes for halloween, he wanted cake pops this time. He decided on banana cake, which I mixed with cream cheese frosting and then dipped in milk chocolate before decorating with sprinkles and a letter B for his name. And of course, since it's banana cake, yellow was the obvious choice for an accent color! I gave him a sample cake pop last night and he loved it - and I hope everyone where he works enjoys them just as much!

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Welcoming Baby Owen!

For anyone who doesn't know, I an not only a full-time mom and cake decorator, I am a part-part-time Medical Technologist as well. I basically pick up shifts as they become available, which is a pretty sweet deal. One night this past summer, I was talking to a co-worker about the wedding cake that I would be making (ahh . . . memories!), and Winston, one of the third shift techs who had just come in, overheard me. I showed him a few of my cake pictures that I had with me on my phone, and he said that he and his wife were planning an open house/baby welcoming party that fall. They are both from Africa, and it is a custom where they are from to have a celebration like this when the baby is around 6 months old. Well, you can't have a party without cake, so he told me right then and there that he and his wife were going to order a cake from me for the event.

Well, several months later (and a few communication gaps along the way thanks to my not working for two months!), I finally got all of the details ironed out and whipped this up. Pretty good considering I had finalized the design only three days before the event! The cake is a simple yellow cake with chocolate buttercream frosting and filling and lots of colorful fondant decorations!

Congrats to Winston, Emi, and little Owen!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Monica!

I have many sisters-in-law. 8 to be exact. Yep... EIGHT. Gotta love that big family!

My sister-in-law Monica (who is the wife of my husband's brother Ed) turned 50 last month. Her son Matt is the one that I made the wedding cake for this past summer. So when I heard that her family was planning a birthday party for her, I offered to make cake pops. Everyone in her family that was at the rehearsal dinner for Matt's wedding loved the cake balls I made, so I went with the same cake flavor - yummy chocolate! And of course, being that it was a 50th birthday party, I had to put some awesome decorations on them too! I made 3 dozen cake pops with three different decorations. I had some with silver sprinkles, some with black fondant dots, and some with black fondant stars brushed with silver luster dust. Here they are at my house, all ready to go.

I put them in a big box for the party and actually brought the glasses too, since they worked so well to display them at home. Little did I know that my brother-in-law had already ordered a sheet cake for the party. A full sheet cake! No problems though - everyone was more than happy to eat my cake pops too (and luckily, the cake was yellow cake, so no OD of chocolate!) and several of my nieces, nephews and other in-laws brought cake pops home with them for their families.

Happy Birthday Monica, and here's to the next 50!